DNA Banks Break up Communities.

Throughout this blog you’ll find me referring to ‘The Few’.
Hopefully, you’ll have read the book ‘The Human Survival Blueprint’.
If not, then please click that link. It will take you to the FREE! PDF/ E-book which you can either read from the link, or preferably, save to your computer and print it out so that you can read it ‘anywhere’ in the house, car, work, pub etc, etc……. But Just DO IT!
(As the well known saying goes).

‘The Few’ are a force that seeks to undermine and ‘control’ the Whole of the World’s society. They come up with secret strategies that enable them to ‘Divide and Conquer’. By far the very best ‘proven’ way to control any society, large or small.

‘The Few’ have been ‘gifted’ the amazing tool for this in the form of a ‘World DNA Bank’. At present it would cost you a whole lot of money to obtain specific DNA files. But, there are unscrupulous businesses out there that will, for a fee, provide you with results from DNA samples provided.

More often than not to establish factual, scientific evidence of fatherhood. (After all, it’s only the woman in any relationship who’ll usually know the real truth)

It’s usually children that seek out this information. There seems to be a BIG hang-up about ‘blood’ relationships. To my mind, if a man has brought up a child as his own, then he IS the father, but that’s obviously open to discussion.
In the UK we even had a very ‘nasty’ show presented by a chap with NO respect for anyone other than his Bank Manager, (Jeremy Kyle) where he would use Lie-Detectors and DNA evidence to ‘shame’ individuals LIVE on National TV.
Now WHERE did that idea come from you might ask?

When a father and child fall out, the child may WANT to establish that infact their ‘Father’ has no right to remonstrate or discipline that child. Spite takes over, and a DNA identification service is sought. (If the money is available).

That’s the key here. Money.

If you’re not wealthy, at present you don’t have that option. But ‘The Few’ have been working on the ‘freedom of information act’ that will soon allow all and sundry to establish ‘for free’ their DNA profile. Not only that, but for a very small fee, anyone elses DNA profile.

So what happens when young Johnny or Mary decide that Dad’s just a big pain in the ****?
They discover their spiteful streak and ‘buy’ the information that could destroy a whole family structure.

But forgetting childrens spite for the moment. What about the rogues out there that would blackmail a mother or father having obtain the evidence that the DNA profiles don’t match that of their child, or indeed children?
What life-long damage could be done there?

I totally agree that having a DNA Bank could prove extremely valuable in treating generic diseases, or most other medical conditions.
That YES, in detecting crime it has no equal, YET!

But ‘that’ is exactly ‘The Sweetner’ that ‘The Few’ have given us. To make us feel safer and healthier through the value of the ‘DNA Bank’.

I know that many people reading this will say I’m purely ‘scaremongering’. But just think for a minute here. If YOU wanted to break up a community, don’t you think that by causing irrepairable damage to numerous family units would do the trick? Of course it would, and ‘The Few’ have had this plan in the pipeline for years. They’ve crept up on us using their ‘baby-step’ tactics, and now they’re on the verge of tapping us on the shoulder and declaring “We’ve Won!!”.

Hopefully this has given you food for thought, and allowed your sub-conscious mind to ‘process’ it for you. If not then please watch ‘The Human Survival Blueprint‘ video, then get the PDF –  (It’s Free)

There are none so blind as those who ‘Will Not See’.

The fog of deceit is very cleverly contrived. So don’t feel bad that you’ve been ‘suckered’ into a false sense of security by those very clever manipulators, ‘The Few’.

Stay with this blog, and the mist will be cleared for you.

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Only YOU know whether you want to live in ‘the fog’. I know I wouldn’t want to live there, and I never will. Those of us who are looking in from the outside are getting stronger and stronger.

YOU can join us anytime. You just need to open your mind to the possibility that ‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ is a ‘factual’ work and not pure fantasy.

Catch you later,

The ‘Commercial’ Universal Soldier

The State Education System is Awash with Subliminal BrainWashing Techniques …….


He’s the ‘Universal Soldier’,
and he’s here to serve us well.
To fight our battles and reduce us all to tears.

He’s your child, your grandchild,
your sister and your brother.
He’s your friend, and he is your lover too.
But more than these he is ‘dispensable’,
he’s fodder for the ‘Few’.
He’s fighting for the truth he thought he knew.

Though ‘The Universal Soldier’ is a brave and honest man.
He’s a Hero, and he’s a Martyr too.
He’s been led into this fight that he’s ‘not’ supposed to win,
and he’s been told he’s doing everything for YOU!

He’s the ‘Universal Soldier’
who’s as old as man himself.
He lives on and on, and on and on,
to FIGHT! For you and me.

It’s time to put this man to rest,
and to tell the ‘honest truth’.
That it’s always been for Nought,
and that a ‘sham’ is what he fought.

The ‘Black Queen’ gave him honours
to cover up her lies.
She rewarded him
with money and life’s jewels.
But with the ‘Universal Soldier’
armed with trust and truth once more,
and the wisdom
of a hundred thousand years.
He can hang up all his armour,
and his battle weary clothes.
He can look the ‘Few’
right through their jet black eyes.
He’s seen through the fog of guile
as an educated man,
and has now cried his very,
very last ‘goodbyes’.

Throughout the whole history of mankind itself, we’ve had our ‘leaders’ using and abusing our young and most vulnerable. Whether that be to fight territorial wars, commercial wars, or popularity wars.

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The young are seen as a dispensable, replenishable, and manageable resource of ‘fodder’ to be used for whatever reason the ‘Few’ see fit.

They are told blatant lies disguised as ‘guilt’ that can be laid squarely on the shoulders of the young. The cries of; “You are Heroes fighting for a great and worthy cause” fire up the passions of these young people.

Further cries of; “Your country is depending on ‘you’ to maintain our freedom, to out the truth, and establish peace”, also keep the fire of guilt burning in these young minds, as they subject themselves to witness and endure human slaughter at it’s worst.

More often than not, GOD is portrayed as the very one who is ‘behind’ these ‘Universal Soldiers’ as they comply to the wishes of evil men.

In the wars of commerce, the ‘Universal Soldiers’ are told how ‘imperative’ it is that they stay in higher education for as long as possible so that they can ‘better’ themselves, and be successful for the rest of their lives.

Please read; “We need even more time to brainwash you into thinking along the same lines as us, but we want you to ‘pay’ for the privilege because “what’s yours is mine, and what’s mine is my own”. You can only have what we deem you’re worth at the end of your brainwashing (EDUCATION)”…… See Video Below…….

Many of our young ‘do’ leave higher education and go out to find success (their perceived version) in the world of commerce. They get this success when they ‘toe the party line’. In other words, they become a cog in the wheel of commerce, and as long as they function exactly the way their ‘cog’ has been designed to function, they will be rewarded with the riches promised.

Try to be individual, a Maverick even, and the financial rewards are removed until you ‘toe the party line’ again. The commercial ‘Universal Soldier’ has sacrificed his youth, spent untold hours studying (at his own expense), only to be rewarded with the position of ‘Chief Cog’ in his chosen area of commerce.

He is allowed to ‘exist’ in relative comfort as long as he is seen as ‘ultra-productive’ by his masters who see this ‘Universal Soldier’ as a financial resource. No more, no less.

Produce more and your financial rewards are raised. Under produce, and you are dispensed with. No questions asked. “You are a NUMBER, you are not a man”.

There are many perceived ‘Mavericks’ in the commercial World. Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Richard Branson among the most recognisable. But even these ‘high fliers’ who are ‘allowed’ to earn astronomic incomes are still kept in check by the ‘FEW’. Each has almost been financially destroyed, but as they got back to ‘toeing the party line’, their wealth was allowed to replenish and continues to grow hourly. (Hmmmm……MeThinks????)

So what do you do then?
Sell your soul to the Devil??
Fight fire with fire??
Stand up and be counted??

Throughout the sorry tale of human slaughter, the same cry has echoed through history: “You are heroes – God bless the troops – you are fighting for a ‘great cause’ and a ‘great country’; you are fighting for freedom, fighting for truth and [the best one of all] you are fighting for peace.”

It has proved to be a compelling sales pitch. There seems to be something in the human psyche that wants to be a “hero” and to believe that we are “doing” something to make it a better world.

Anyone with John Wayne tendencies is a sucker to this big sell and yet, how appropriately, this very symbol of military heroism never saw a shot fired in anger and spent the Second World War strutting on a movie set where spilling your coffee was a war wound.

It’s all BS and until young people reject the uniform as a relic of a past and primitive age, the BS will go on.

For “Support our troops”. Read; “Support our war”.

The Troops of ‘all’ countries ARE necessary. I know that. And I’m in no way trying to be-little the amazing job they do. I for one would not have the bottle to put myself in the firing line at the drop of a hat, or the whim of an inept Government. But this is the very nature of ‘The Few’. We are presented ‘daily’ with threats to our freedom. Some are very real. Others are ‘organised’ or ‘invented’ by the media for our consumption in the battle to control our very minds.

Once our emotions have been ‘stoked up’ enough, our Armies are sent into action to ‘convince’ us that we ARE being protected by; ‘The Few’.

I have nothing but RESPECT for the troops of all nations. They’re all just Pawns in the game after all. Just the same as the rest of us, only they’ve got ‘Real Balls’.

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Once the World has awakened. These men and women that stand ready and able to protect the rest of us will be able to ‘relax’, and live their lives as Mother Nature intended.

But until that day. The status quo will remain and ‘The Universal Soldier’ will be standing by, ready for the ‘call to arms’ on our ‘supposed’ behalf.

Just another thought……. Don’t forget to check out ‘The Human Survival Blueprint‘ (It’s Free) And also the video below – Listen to the WORDS this time 🙂 …………..

Your Children Are The New ‘Weapons of Social Warfare’.


In an earlier post I spoke of the need of ‘The Few’ to break up communities in any way they can. To ‘Divide and Conquer’ is their ongoing goal and they will stop at nothing to achieve their end.

I’ve also spoken about the awesome POWER that ‘Love’ holds.
How the biological form that is ‘Human’ depends on that precious energy that we exude and require in equal quantities.

Nothing comes close to the amount of ‘Love’ that is generated by our children. From the moment they enter this world of ours they become the ‘focus’ of our out-pouring of the ‘energy’ so important to ‘their’ growth as well as our own. I can’t imagine that anyone reading this who has had the privelage of having a child of their own, could possibly disagree.

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‘The Few’ have used this ‘focus’ of our love to cojole and manipulate us in too many ways to list them here. But the most recent ‘abuse’ of our children has not been from paedophiles or mentally inadequate parents, (Although those are serious problems of course) it has been administered by the ‘architects’ of society.

The ‘Architects’ of society are those individuals who have no real power, but who are power-hungry. They are always left-of-centre politically who are so eager to please their masters and ‘puppeteers’ that they will do ‘everything’ that is asked of them without question. When ‘The Few’ initiate a dictate for them to enforce, they give them ‘power’ as their reward, and these weak minded ‘power-seekers’ will go into action immediately to do their bidding.

They have no ‘real’ morals or ethics.
They have no conscience or remorse.
They are ‘driven’ by their insatiable appetite for ‘POWER’ which they will strive for at any cost. Even at the cost of our childrens innocence, safety and long term welfare. ‘The Few’ demand, and ‘The Few’ will get whatever that might be. In this case, another nail in the coffin of our communities.

The Human Survival Blueprint’ which I hope you’ve read. (After all, it’s free to every reader of this article). Goes into detail about the ‘POWER’ of ‘LOVE’, and how we are all controlled by the fear of ‘losing’ any energy source that provides us with the energy of ‘Love’.

Their is no greater ‘energy source’ for Love than our own children. Even our partners with whom we produce our children can’t compete. (Sad though that truth may be). That being the undeniable TRUTH, it stands to reason that ‘The Few’ would have our children in their sights as the number ONE target in the war to destroy our communities, and therefore give them total power over us as a species.

It’s no coincidence that ‘education’ is one of the ‘Big Guns’ in this war. Our masters deem it necessary to introduce our children into ‘state control’, ie; school/nursery earlier and earlier into our childrens lives. Robbing them of their family ‘bonding’ and their ‘childhood’ in one foul swoop. All in the name of ‘Education’ of course.

In the UK the starting age for ‘compulsory’ nursery education will soon be TWO years old. That is not only unbelievable (though true) it’s also ‘SICK’ in the extreme.

Our masters can dress it up to look like a ‘necessity’ for our childrens welfare and future, but it’s all a part of the ‘bigger picture’ which is to ‘seperate’ and ‘indoctrinate’ the sources of our most valuable ‘energy source’, the LOVE of our children. Children ‘starved’ of love for long periods of the day are not being equipped to ‘give’ love to those most important in their existence. Their Parents.

The teachers and carers can’t give them Love, or ‘teach’ them how to love their parents, their sibblings, or their Grand Parents. They will have that MOST VALUABLE stimulation denied to them. They will grow up devoid of, and incapable of feeling the ‘POWER’ of true love.

The few hours left in the childs day after their ‘enforced’ indoctrination is not long enough to usurp the ‘energy’ of TRUE LOVE that their family are equipped to give them. They will grow up to find genuine signs of affection as a ‘threat’ to their person. They will become suspicious of even their own family members intentions toward them.

WHY? Because the ‘indoctrination’ also goes so far as to ‘educate’ the child to be ‘wary’ of those who show them affection, or too much attention. In the guise that all adults are dangerous. They are ‘The Bad-Guys’ who are out to harm them, and the very young don’t distinguish exactly WHO are ‘The Bad-Guys’ so become ‘wary’ of everyone.

Already, paranoia is a very real problem in society. The Media can’t and won’t control itself on these issues. Governments are passing privacy laws like there’s no tomorrow. Privacy laws that are inhibiting amateur and professional photographers alike, who are now having to ask themselves very serious questions before they even ‘think’ about taking a picture.

If there’s another persons child in the photograph, dare they take it? If it’s an area where children are known to play, either often, or occasionally, dare they take the photograph?

Thirty years ago, even less, these questions would have been unthinkable. But ‘The Few’ have indoctrinated society through our ‘left-wing’ power-hungry advocates, so that now everyone is totally ‘paranoid’ about being accused, or possibly arrested on a charge that they are in some way a ‘threat’ to our children.

I have just watched a programme on the TV which high-lighted the very real danger that our children are NOW facing, and that is the danger of being totally ignored when they could ‘genuinely’ be in very real danger. All because we in society have been trained very well that if we are seen to show ‘any’ sort of attention to a child that is not our own, let alone take them by the hand to lead them to safety, we are in danger of being accused of being a ‘threat’ to the child.

The programme makers set up two children, a young boy and a young girl apparently having ‘lost’ their parent somewhere in the shopping mall. The children were stood alone in the main area, individually at different times of the day, and were asked to act lost and upset. Each time, more than 100 people walked by, afraid to even make eye contact, before a ‘safety conscious’ member of the public stopped to offer help.

How would you feel if YOUR child got lost in a busy, large shopping mall, and nobody went to their aid? You would have every right to feel disgusted that no-one stopped to help your child out wouldn’t you? But would you have had the ‘courage’ to stop and help another persons child in that situation? It’s a question, that as a member of a so-called CARING society, we should NEVER even have to ‘consider’ answering.

We should ALL be able to feel comfortable approaching ‘any’ child in any form of danger or distress and offering a helping hand. Or, dare I say it; The Hand Of friendship.

But our ‘enlightened’ society has made the question ‘obligatory’. Our community spirit has been knawed away at by the ‘CANCER’ that is; ‘Political Correctness’. And ironically, the presenter of the programme was none other than Esther Rantsen. A self-proclaimed ‘Do-Gooder’ who helped to educate society on the very ‘dangers’ of adults around children, in her more mis-guided days when she was always looking for ‘A Cause’ to champion which would get her TV ratings up on her various shows in the 1970’s and 80’s.

You got the feeling that maybe now she realises that she was just one of the many legions of people who were ‘used’ by certain factions of the political spectrum and the ‘Media’ itself, to promote the alienation of adults from children.

She was a major part in the setting up of ‘Child-Line’, a do-gooder charity that is there to ‘protect’ children from the threat of ADULTS!

Children can phone in whenever they haven’t got their own way at home, and accuse Mum, Dad, Sister, Brother, Uncle, Aunt or Mr Jones down the road of almost anything they could dream up. Often splitting families and communities in all directions while ‘investigations’ take place into the ‘allegations’ of an irate child.

YES! I have no doubt that the charity does some ‘sterling’ work, and DOES help to protect ‘many’ genuine cases of abuse. For that it has to be applauded. But at what cost? Because we now have a society that is split in two between ADULTS and MINORS like never before. With both sides suspicious of each other.

One thing though is ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN.
‘The Few’ are rubbing their hands with glee, because their plans are panning out beautifully. Society is being ‘split’ in every direction, and the ‘Number One’ generator of TRUE LOVE is being systematically dismantled infront of our very own EYES, all in the name of ‘Education’.

When you’re packing ‘your’ TWO year old child off to nursery or school, remember this article well, and appreciate WHY you are abandoning your very own child to be indoctrinated by ‘real’ strangers who have a sub-conscious agenda to deprive YOU of the love you should be sharing with your child in his or her formative years.

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Read ‘The Human Survival Blueprint’  (It’s Free) as well as the other articles in this Blog. They are a guiding light through the ‘mist of deceit’ that’s being generated all around you.

The Rise Of The Enforcer Jack-Boot-Warriors

So WHY are there More and More Children and Adults being diagnosed with Severe Anxiety issues these days? Could it be that those with a diagnosed Mental-Health issue can be given a ‘Lesser Status’ in the ‘Not-So-Distant-Future’? Are governments worldwide PUSHING our button just a little TOO HARD to force us into ‘categories’ that they can evaluate when the need arises?

In the UK over the last thirty years we have seen a significant rise in local council/government use of ‘enforcers’. Whether that be to impose fines on motorists with the freshly named ‘civil enforcement officer’ taking over from Traffic Warden, same job, different job description. Or maybe the ‘Litter Enforcement Officer’ is the one to be aware of as the list of ‘enforcement officers’ in the job description grows on a daily basis.

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Whatever you’re likely to be doing going about your daily life, you’ll now have an Enforcement Officer there to see that you are ‘toeing-the-line’ in fear of ‘consequences’. Usually an on the spot fine, but if you resist you will be read your rights via the Pace-Card and given an invitation to attend court where there is of course the potential of losing your freedom/liberty, all on the say-so of a jumped up Fart who couldn’t get a job anywhere else so applied for one of these out of desperation. But because of the ‘programming’ course they need to attend first, they emerge as fully fledged ‘Public Hate-Warriors’ with an inbuilt disdain for everyone who DARES to breach any of the rules that these Jack-Boot-Warriors have been programmed to uphold.

Now while many people may think that if you don’t break the rules you’ll have nothing to fear may be right on most levels, who reading this hasn’t accidentally spilt a drink, dropped a piece of litter that you thought you were putting in a bin or your pocket, or been walking with your children who naturally don’t understand litter-laws and will drop something, anything, onto the street? We’re all human and we all fall short of most of the petty laws now being introduced so that the ‘threatening’ manner of these ‘enforcers’ can be ‘enforced’ onto the general public.

These Enforcement Officers have been publicly filmed for TV and Youtube actually hiding/skulking out of sight of the public going about their business literally salivating at the prospect of ‘catching’ somebody dropping the smallest piece of litter, spilling their coffee/coke/whatever, or dropping a dog-end in the gutter so that they can then rush over to them, read them their rights and then publicly humiliate them with an on-the-spot-fine. Should the ‘offender’ try to walk away in disgust at the Enforcement Officers presumption they will literally be CHASED down the street, even back to their home to ENFORCE! The fine/ticket/whatever.

So you think that’s fine EH? We’re now all ‘Under The Eye’ as in ‘The Hand-Maids Tale’, in a world none of us signed up for in ANY general election that I can remember. So WHO gave these Little-Hitlers this unearned POWER over us all? More to the point – WHY?

Another thing you may have noticed is that it’s becoming more and more difficult to tell the difference between the Enforcers uniform and that of the Official Police. Is that a coincidence do you think? I think NOT! These are Mind-Games being played on us so that we all become subservient to the authorities that intend to keep us all in check. (It’s not the government by the way, they are just the implementers of this National/International brainwashing/programming).

The Police nowadays go about their thankless task every day trying to protect the majority of us from the evils that are out there, and up until the rise of the Enforcement Officers and ‘Political Correctness’ Hate-Warriors they did a pretty good job all round. A few bad apples, like in all walks of life, but generally you felt you could trust your local Bobby and a fairly high level of respect was duly shown (even if it was reluctantly). But talk to MOST Police Officers today and they’ll tell you that they are constantly being physically set-upon by the general public. That all respect for them has gone out of the window, and they and their families now FEAR them going about their normal days work.

Now HOW can this happen in a supposedly ‘civilised’ country that has always had a mutual respect for the police in days gone by? Well believe it or not (and you probably won’t because you’ve had these ideas wiped from your hard drive by the ‘National Programming Centre’ – AKA – Formal Education) we are all being corralled into the state of ‘subservience’ to the Puppeteers (The Few) so that we can be controlled in every area of ‘life’ itself by the threat of perceived consequences. Fines, Prison, Public Humiliation etc, etc.

The use of ‘Civil-Enforcement-Officers’ is the perfect tool to help them achieve this as we get angrier and angrier at the injustice of having Half-Wits ENFORCE their misguided will upon ‘us’ who are obviously far more superior in intellect, education, social status, the list goes on. It’s Public Humiliation at it’s worst and the fact that ‘they’ are wearing uniforms virtually indistinguishable from the Official Police Force means that ‘subliminally’ we are being programmed to HATE the Police as well, bringing on The Perfect Storm so that Martial Law can be introduced with ‘Civil Enforcement Officers’ up and down the land with the POWER of the PACE card and Right-Of-Entry into all of our homes so that any ‘objectors’ to the new Society can be filtered out and shown ‘Their Consequences’.

Also, have you noticed the explosion of Reality Police Documentaries usually showing bumbling police officers racing about in their shiny Brand New high-end BMW’s wasting time chasing Joy-Riders instead of fighting Real Crimes? Well this is all a controlled effort to make you realise that all Police are time-wasting, adrenalin-chasing B****rds who not only don’t deserve respect, they should be hauled up before the Beaks as well for WASTING public money.

You DO see how this is playing out RIGHT??

Get your Bdar up and working again, show respect for the police who in the main are genuinely trying to HELP us all and then show YOUR disdain for these Jumped-Up-Farts who call themselves ‘Enforcement Officers’. Not on a personal level because they’ve been programmed to behave as they DO. But show your Public Disdain for the agenda that supervises and promotes it, usually through local councils or ‘governments’ (as they now like to call themselves).

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Please Read ‘The Human Survival Blueprint‘ by Ven Bunce, it’s a short PDF and it’s free. It goes into this subject in a far better way than I can in this short blog post.

Has The World Got Dry-Rot?

Has The World Got Dry-Rot?

Now this Blog is called the ‘Common-Sense’ Blog and hopefully it will draw visitors who appreciate Common-Sense arguments and opinions, although the evidence is, that social-media has ‘robbed’ many people of their inherent ability to engage their B’dar and see through all the nonsense that’s put out there by ‘The Few’ to convince us all that ‘their’ agenda is always right! ….. Question ‘everything’ – MOST is not all as it seems and Climate-Change is just ONE of the lies being thrust onto us at present because this world is going through it’s natural cycle that it’s been going through ever since it’s birth, however many years ago that might have been, we only have the ‘Experts’ guestimates for that one.

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Anyway, to get to the point of this article. ‘Has the world got dry-rot?’ – I would say most definitely YES! As both your B’dar and your common-sense should draw you to the same conclusion. We associate dry-rot with wood right? Fungus, insects, wood-worm all start to encroach onto and into the surface of the wood, weakening it at first, totally destroying it as it burrows deeper into the wood eventually returning it to dust that then transforms into who-knows-what? I dare say it transforms into a multitude of different things that only ‘the experts’ are able to ‘tell’ us about. (You will note here that ‘The Experts’ are always used to convey to us the TRUTHS that ‘The Few’ deem is in our best interest – Hmmmm??)

So, what have we done to this World of ours over the past couple of thousand years or so? – We’ve extracted diamonds, rubies and a multitude of other precious gems. – We’ve extracted Gold, silver, aluminium, plutonium and so many other precious and not-so-precious metals from the bowels of this world. – We’ve extracted Billions of tons of coal, gas and oil which has supposedly taken billions of years to be produced by rotting, compressed biological MASS from this world’s past. Do you think that might look like ‘We’ are some sort of predatory Fungus that has arrived and started to ‘attack’ this beautiful Blue-Moon?

The UK/Great Britain is a very small Island compared to most countries/continents of this world, but take a drive down ‘any’ A or B road, any Motorway and just ‘try’ to imagine the amount of fuel that is in every vehicle’s petrol/diesel tank. It’s almost unfathomable – you can’t get your head around the ‘volume’ alone, let alone the figures in litres/gallons, yet EVERY DAY more and more oil is drained from the bowels of this World to meet our demands, and that’s JUST in the UK alone. Now duplicate that into infinity almost as you do the same the whole world over.

Are we the world’s Dry-Rot? I think you know the answer to that one. BUT! We’ve gone further, as most of the world has built subterranean cities for the Elite to inhabit once The Shit Hits The Fan so to speak. Because governments worldwide are controlled by ‘The Few’ and only ‘they’ know what’s actually coming our way as a direct result of the activities of we mere humans. We have also been instructed to continue ‘Fracking’ to get even MORE gas from the Earth’s finite resources. This in itself is a Suicide mission as we BLAST! Water into the bowels of this world/earth and vibrate the bejesus out of it contaminating water resources in the process that ‘we’ humans require to sustain life itself – HUH!!???? – Where is the Common-Sense there? There is none, but it’s not about sustaining life for ‘all’ of us, just ‘The Few’.

Climate Change is just a MASK to hide what’s really going on. Through Social-Media, TV, National/International Press, Radio, even the Cinema, the LIE is being subliminally ‘taught’ to us as FACT! ……. Please turn ON your B’dar …. Wake-Up! …… We ARE the cancer, the wood-rot that’s eating into this World of ours – Or is it OURS?

At the END of the day, Global Warming is Suspect! ….. The unprecedented heat we’re experiencing NOW in 2018 is all a part of this Blue Moon’s natural cycle. It’s very TRUE what’s been said through time itself;

If you doubt ‘anything’ – Follow the Money” …… The amount of £$£$£$Money being MADE by unscrupulous Politicians and retired Top-Tier Politicians via the Climate-Change industry is truly STAGGERING! …… Don’t take my word for it, and don’t pre-judge me as a Loony or even worse a Conspiracy Theorist …. The evidence is ALL around you ……. Wake-Up!!

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See that book in the Sidebar/Footer – ‘The Human Survival Blueprint‘?

Well it’s totally Free to read, and I suggest you DO!

Just Click’n’Read it’s that simple 🙂

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Thank You …….. Check out – ‘When The Shit Hits The Fan‘ Please 🙂

The ‘Brown Crusader’ and His ‘Juliet Darling’ Plot Communist Dream.

The article below was written in 2008, and while it never came to fruition because of the Financial Meltdown that followed in the UK we can confirm by the way the Tories are ‘pushing’ us into another political meltdown with their Austerity, Homelessness, NHS ideaology and Brexit (to name just a few ideals) is that it’s a FACT that it matters ‘not’ which Party is governing us that there ‘is’ a Deep-State Government actually pulling the strings ……. Just a thought ……. Enjoy 🙂


Dear Brown – C.  He’s lived a wonderfully eventful life filled with dreams of one day being able to steer his beloved United – Kingdom into the waiting arms of his passionate Communist Masters. But would Romeo ever find his Juliet to accompany him on his journey of ‘epiphony’?

In 1997 he saw his vision. The path opened up for him. He could see his Masters waiting, beckoning him forward into the ‘light’. He was transfixed. He had a ‘purpose’ in life at last and nothing was going to get in his way. That beautiful ‘ideal’ that he so fell in love with while studying at University, had presented itself to him at last. (Always the bridesmaid. Never the bride).

The path that he saw so vividly though, was strewn with obstacles and challenges. He had to battle through these trials and find his Juliet before entering the ‘Holy Grail’ of Communism.

First, he had to find a warrior. A fearless but ‘stupid man’ who would go before him. Slaying the dragons and beasties that would try to ‘stop’ him from reaching his dream. This warrior was a patsy called Blair Warrior. He was brave. He would do ‘all’ of Brown – C’s fighting and killing for him, and would be faithful at all times.

While the ‘Blair Warrior’ forged ahead along the winding, twisting path to Utopia, Brown – C could lay the foundations for his ‘Communist Masters’ who had promised him all of the riches of the world he desired. Riches were Brown – C’s speciality, which is why his first prize that the Blair Warrior won for him was the most valuable prize he could find. Complete and utter control of the UK economy.

Once Brown – C had the economy in his sweaty little chubby hands, he could start to unravel it without anyone seeing him. He would spend many long, cold, lonely nights, worshipping his ‘Masters’
and creating ‘illusions’ that would re-direct the glares and stares of anyone who might have reason to doubt his intentions.

The first illusion was that of a growing economy. The UK finances were in very good shape thanks to the major re-construction of our economic values. People were earning money. They were saving. They were buying their homes instead of renting, and affluence was being taken for granted. But! It all came at a price, and many of the UK’s citizens became ungrateful, so became very easy prey for the Warrior Blair to capture and enslave as Brown – C’s ‘Worker Drones’. Doing all of his bidding at the click of his fingers.

Brown – C, being Scottish, had a sharp mind when it came to money. He knew that the best way to ‘lose’ money, was to gamble with it. Then when you’d lost it, you would borrow more and more of the stuff until you were ‘ruined’. Open then to control and manipulation by the seediest members of the human race and beyond.

Gordon’s eye was set firmly on his Holy Grail and ‘nothing’ was now going to stop him. So he set about dismantling the British economy by gambling with our money, losing it, and then borrowing more to fill the black holes he was continually digging.

Not content with driving the British economy into muddy waters, he then compounded it all by getting the Blair Warrior to encourage us ALL to start the gambling and borrowing cycle so that we’d also be driven to the point of exhaustion and civil unrest.

We were all offered extraordinary buying power. Credit was FREE!

Mortgages were on tap for anyone and everyone to ‘gamble’ with in the property market. The prizes were very high for the winners. But as with all gambling, there are always far more ‘losers’ than winners, but the carrot was dangled by the Blair Warrior and many people tried to eat it. Sadly, all they got was the bitter after-taste of defeat and loss.

Businesses were encouraged to borrow relentlessly to expand. They were taken on and beaten by the Blair Warrior who informed them all that the ‘good times’ were coming. That ‘The only way was UP!’ (Yes, ‘up’ to no good, Blair Warrior). For a long time businesses were being ‘fed’ as much credit as they could handle. While at the same time, having it ‘usurped’ through stealth – taxes. Rising fuel costs, and red tape that would cost those businesses many man-hours to accommodate. Slowly bringing many to their knees and ‘begging’ for more of the same.

Of course, the Blair Warrior would deflect the accusations from savvy business folk towards our other Masters within the European Union. They were an easy target. Not democratically elected, and certainly not answerable to ‘anyone at all’. That was Brown – C’s trump card. He could get away with ‘anything’ if he could get the Blair Warrior to deflect everything in ‘that’ direction.

For Ten Years Brown – C got the Blair Warrior to fight all of his battles, while he systematically dismantled the British economy. At the end of ten years he was ready. The Blair Warrior could now be released from his duties. Rewarded with ‘respectabilty’ that he’d certainly ‘not’ earned, and very high residual incomes that couldn’t be affected by inflation or economic collapse.

It was now the Brown – Crusader’s turn to inflict the final ‘thrust’ of the deadly sword into the heart of the British way of life. No more democracy. No more self control. We were now ready, trussed up, and ready to be handed to his ‘Masters’ that he fell so in love with all those years ago. His Juliet appeared as the lovely (if not rather slimy) Juliet Darling. Brown – C handed him the Golden Chalice which was, the British economy, and between them, held the deadly sword together and ‘plunged’ it into all of our hearts.

Brown – C and his Juliet Darling are set to run into the arms of their Communist Masters (the Holy Grail) and reap their rewards for having overcome all of the challenges set before them at the start of their wonderful journey.


Just ‘think’ about it for just a minute – Let your B’dar get to work and you’ll see that this article is/was very Prophetic …………..

The Crypto-Currency ‘Great Big Elephant-Trap’


Maybe we should all take a step back and look a little bit more carefully at the Crypto Currency ‘Markets’ and why they appear to be the best investment since sliced bread, facebook or cats-eyes. Maybe even deploy our common-sense B’dar before we get involved.

About 30-40 years ago there was a big craze for investing in ‘Penny-Stocks’ and numerous Newsletters appeared to give us all the very best guiding advice so that we could all make a fantastic living by investing our spare money to get remarkable returns. Things went great for a few years (for some) but there seemed to be a recurring pattern in the Penny-Share markets, and this was ‘Massive Gains Followed By Massive Crashes’, but if you happened to sell your penny-shares in time you could make your fortune, but if you were just a little bit late you took a hiding-to-nothing.

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Now it was no coincidence that the Newsletter publishers seemed to do rather well while the Newsletter subscribers seemed to take a ‘good-hiding’. This was achieved by the publishers recommending ‘selling’ certain shares as the ‘oracle’ of all things ‘Penny-share’ could see problems in the near future. What actually happened was these penny-shares took a dive as everyone ‘sold’ and at the same time the publishers and insiders bought up those very cheap shares to make their fortunes when the scare-mongering turned out to be B’shit that should have been detected by the B’dar.

The very same tactics have been used every 11 years (approximately) by Property Investor Newsletters/Groups etc by predicting the Property Crashes which actually ‘do’ occur as The Faithful take heed of the Property Guru’s predictions and ‘sell’ before they lose their shirts and everything else they own. You then see all of those high-roller property investors hoover up all those cheap properties and waitng out the slump so that they can capitalise on their re-investment in the chaos that ‘they’ provoked in the first place.

It’s the same with Industry, where the Big-Boys hoover up all the smaller businesses that have to close down during ‘every’ manufactured economic downturn. The system/strategy is always the SAME and we can see exactly the same thing happening with the Crypto-Currencies where the smaller investors are losing out at the expense of the Big Investors hoovering up all of that Crypto-Currency that magically appears every time they say “CRASH!!”.

You’ll have no doubt noticed the astronomical RISE of Crypto-Currency Newsletters, FaceBook Groups, YouTube channels dedicated to Crypto Currencies. Just type any of those crypto currency terms into Google and just see the number of pages that will show up as a result and THEN apply your Common-Sense B’dar before you step into the arena. Warren Buffet (Probably the World’s wisest Investor) has recently warned in no uncertain terms about the dangers of investing in crypto currencies.

So …. What do You think?

Let me know below please.

For More Common-Sense visit readi-bay.com

E-mail to John. Amazon v Christianity.

Hi Folks. This morning I received an E-mail from a trusted source advising which two Business Models ‘he’ would advise his readers to start if they were looking for online success.

The first was; ‘Local SEO services to local business’ – Good 🙂

The second was; ‘An Amazon ecommerce business’ 😦
Below is my response to that E-mail, I hope it resonates with ‘you’ too.

Hi John, in this E-mail you confirm that you are a Christian and I’m pleased to read that.
BUT then you go on to say that your readers should definitely start An Amazon ecommerce business.
You are completely contradicting yourself as Amazon is definitely the MOST Anti-Christian organisation on the planet at present.

It is responsible for closing down many of our established and loved high street vendors as well as Usurping all of those businesses that wish to stay afloat.

It’s the case that we will ‘all’ be buying directly or indirectly through Amazon in the very near future as they continue their Monopolising March through commerce ‘internationally’ along with Google, Facebook, Uber, AirBnB – to name but a few who are pulling us all into a state of absolute control of  ‘the many’ by  ‘the few’  who are collating ALL of our personal details, banking habits, credit-card no’s, Bio-identities (To make life supposedly easier for us) so that they can control us and keep us all in relative poverty.

(Now if that’s not an Anti-Christian partnership I don’t know what is).

I really do think that as an intelligent person this ‘cannot’ have passed you by.  Yet you are claiming ‘as a Christian’ that you are looking out for your subscribers. I think you need to do a lot more research on this subject if you truly are speaking from the heart with good intentions.

Amazon ‘will’ run down it’s affiliate commissions ‘even more’ so that affiliates can’t make TOO much money that way, (They may even close it down completely) and as for the ‘FBA’ programme, you will see more and more road-blocks put into place to deter people following ‘that’ route as Amazon itself take over the direct buying and selling of ALL of the ‘highly profitable’ niche`s and products (as they are already doing) leaving everyone else stranded, having possibly invested a large pot of money in what ‘appears’ to be a great Money-Magnet at present.

As you can guess, I could rant on forever on this dispicable behaviour of Amazon and it’s Co-Horts but I’ll spare you that 🙂

For More Common-Sense visit readi-bay.com

Just a thought ….. Be sure to leave your Comment/Opinion below and check out ‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ ……. Here!

The Dumb-Down Society We All Deserve

Disclaimer! – I have NO control over any Ads you May See Here!

Whether we like it or not, we are all allowing ourselves to be ‘dumbed-down’ by accepting the ‘rewards’ given to us every time we accept another ‘Feel-Good-Cookie’.

We accepted Social-Media because it rewards our brain/mind with an endorphin-rush that is totally addictive and only able to be resisted by the very ‘strongest’ conscious minds. We are drip-fed emotions like lethargy, apathy, greed, immorality and a whole host of other degenerative mind-hacks that lead us to ‘conform’ to the will of those feeding us our daily-diet of Dumb-Down Brain-Food.

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Reality TV Shows are the latest ‘Poisons’ to be fed to us via the ‘Feel-Good-Cookie’. We are shown so-called ‘normal’ people with all of their frailties and expected to believe that ‘this’ is normal life exposed and we get sucked in, just as we get sucked into ‘gossip’ at work/play/business/the pub etc, etc. what MOST people don’t realise is that the producers of these shows are ‘manipulating’ the participants behaviours behind the scenes to get the BEST reaction from the viewers – Yes! US!

It doesn’t matter whether participants ‘lives’ are destroyed, or if they leave to find massive FAME and Money waiting for them when they leave. The WHOLE purpose is to control our emotions ‘at any cost’. We are ALL being re-programmed by Reality TV and if you can’t see it, You’re already it’s VICTIM!

We have also allowed Artificial Intelligence to be developed unrestricted because we were fed the ‘Feel-Good-Cookie’ that told us it would make our lives so much easier and therefore would lead to more ‘happiness’ because we could do less work and be able to stay at home with our families far more than we could ever imagine possible.

That ‘AI’ is now responsible for taking our livliehoods, dignity and reason for being away from us. More and more people are finding their ‘jobs’ now being done by AI machines/devices that are even now able to construct their ‘own’ repairs, development and even their own language that the original developer can no longer understand. This SHOULD worry ‘everyone’ but most of you reading this post will just say; “Those in Government will never let it happen” …. I have news for you; ‘They’ are not in control and have no control over ‘Artificial Intelligence’ ….. IT is now in control of itself and is beavering away, usurping what little Humanity we have left so that we all end up as Drones for their benefit or ‘Recyclable Waste’.

Lorry Drivers are soon to be as common as Dodo’s. Even car driving is on the way out as we ‘humans’ apparently can’t be trusted to use our own ‘common-sense’ on the roads. We are about to submit to the ‘Feel-Good-Cookie’ yet again as we’re sold the lie that Self-Drive Cars will be SAFER more EFFICIENT and of course BETTER for the ENVIRONMENT! Well …. You take ‘that’ cookie if you want, but anyone with a lick of common-sense knows deep-down in their heart that LIE is one sugarless cookie and shouldn’t even be entertained.

There is a theme running through all of the ‘Feel-Good-Cookie’ offering if you hadn’t noticed. They want you sat at home, arguing with your kids, your spouse, your family and friends because you are Soooooooo frustrated at not being able to operate as a ‘Human’ any longer. You can’t go out to work because there are no jobs any more. You can’t afford to live in that nice home you once had because debt made you homeless and you are struggling to get by in a sub-standard flat/home designated as ‘adequate’ by …… Guess! ….. That’s right – the ‘AI’ machine that runs and administers ‘everything’ for us. From how much money/credits we need to just about survive, to whether we are ‘entitled’ to have a minimum-wage JOB, to whether we are even ‘useful’ to society or we should be recycled into protein to feed ‘lucky’ ones left to serve as Drones/Worker-Humans to keep this Earth in a manageable state.

You still have a little ‘Common-Sense’ left do you? Well if you do, you know I’m only scratching the ‘itch’ here and the very near future is even FAR worse than this little blog post suggests. Take the trouble to look into Facebook, Amazon, Google/Alphabet and their Artificial Intelligence development programmes and you’ll soon see who’s bossing it around here and the future they have planned out for us.

‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ has more thoughts on the conceptHere! – (It’s Free!)

Just a thought ….. Be sure to leave your Comment/Opinion below

For More Common-Sense visit readi-bay.com

Amazon – Saint or Sinner?

Amazon – Saint or Sinner?

Now I know we all Love Amazon, (Hmmmm???) mainly for it’s fast speed of delivery, ease of ordering, and general over-all convenience……….
But is it a ‘World Of Make-Believe’ ??

Now as an Up-Date to this Blog Post that was written Well Before the dreaded Pandemic ……. Have you noticed WHO has benefitted MOST!! from all of the ‘necessary’ ?? … Lockdowns ?? ….. Hmmmm???

Many now also love Amazon because it’s where you ‘Could’ make an extraordinarily good living ‘selling’ on Amazon, mainly through it’s  FBA  (Fulfillment By Amazon)  programme where you put new or used products up for sale, send it off, or have it delivered to Amazon and ‘they’ do everything for you, (taking their commissions after sale), plus you have to pay a small ‘storage’ fee. But all said-and-done it ‘was’ a pretty good way for the ‘average joe’ to make a part-time, or full-time income.

Enter – Mr X –  who runs probably ‘the’ most successful training programme for literally ‘anyone’ wishing to get into the ‘FBA’ machine and start churning out Money! ……. Again; – Hmmmm???

X launched himself with his book ‘The Da-Da-Da Machine’ which was originally about selling on eBay but many updates later and it’s shifted mainly towards the FBA programme and his Online Training Course which can be accessed via his Facebook Group ‘MyDa-Da-DaTeam’ .
Be sure to check him out if you’re considering going down that route.

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Now X has a very successful Podcast which is an extremely valuable resource, again it’s free to tune in and listen to. He has an extensive back-catalogue that you can browse through at your liesure, and one thing that sings through ‘all’ of his content is that he’s a committed Christian who only wants the best for everyone, hence the training (Paid and Free!) that he puts out there almost non-stop.

Now I don’t doubt his integrity and I have no association with him or his products, but I do trust that he’s a rarity, an online marketer with integrity and morals.

Having said that, I believe ‘he’ and the rest of us have been suckered into a make-believe world where we think we can set up an online business (through Amazon) and start usurping unlimited Money by way of profits or affiliate commissions for as long as we like and everything goes on as normal, absolutely fine. And if we continue to ‘buy’ all of our produce and products through Amazon, that because of it’s speed and convenience it ‘has’ to be the best and easiest way to make our purchases both ‘now’ and for the foreseeable ‘future’.

We are already ‘paying the price’ receiving the Karma and the Consequences of  Trading With Satan.
I’m not saying that Amazon is Satan, but what I AM Saying is that the ‘Concept’ which is led by Amazon is Trading With Satan.
I could also be talking about eBay, Etsy, Ali-Baba and more, they all offer amazing ‘selling’ and ‘earning’ opportunities online where we can get ‘all’ of our purchases and make ‘all’ of our money sitting at our laptops or on our smart-phones while the WORLD loses 50% of ALL the jobs available to ‘us’ – Yes US! – Humans, with a need to actually ‘work’ to not only keep ourselves sane, but to keep ourselves healthy too.

SATAN doesn’t much like us Humans, he’d much rather we were ‘gone’ from this planet so that it could revert to his state of ‘oblivion’ – that we call ‘hell’ and he’s found the tools to do it, with willing supporters who have been fooled into thinking they are doing ‘Gods’ work.
Enter …. Amazon, Google, eBay and Co, not to mention ALL of those high-flying ‘Online Gurus’ who are usurping the Beejeesus out of the world economy every second of every day.

Mr X, bless his heart, is just ‘one’ victim here.
A well imbursed victim, true! But a victim of his own conscience for sure, and I’ve no doubt that most of his subscribers/customers/pupils are also God-Fearing folk with the Very Best intentions for the rest of us as well, but in actual fact they’re digging not only ‘their own graves’, but the graves for the rest of us too ….. And while I expose others for Dealing With Satan, ‘I’ and all of ‘you’ who are reading this blog post are ‘Also Guilty’.

We have taken the Apple that is; .. Social Media … and we’ve devoured it all, burping and ‘thanking’ the very person who gave us such a wonderful ‘Gift‘ almost every minute of every day.

Now if that’s not ‘Worship’ I don’t know what is, so no matter What Religion your Faith lies with, or even if you have NO Religion (that’s fine too) We Are ALL Guilty of worshipping SATAN and thanking him for blessing us with the very GIFTS that will destroy us ALL …. Very SOON!
Now don’t even get me started on ‘Artificial Intelligence’ AARRGGHH!!!!
(That’ll be for another post)

“Thank The Brethren for they know not what they do”.

Jobs are already being LOST world-wide at an unprecedented rate (and especially in the USA) with major stores and corporations closing down because they simply CANNOT compete with Amazon and AliBaba in particular, so while you all BUY your produce/products from Amazon, or you’re making extraordinary amounts of £$£$£$£$’s from Amazon and Co, just remember ….
Actions receive Consequences, especially actions against Humanity.

At the time of writing, Toys’R’Us are teetering on the edge of Bankrupcty with a loss of 1,000’s of jobs and with millions of children missing out on the JOY of visiting such an amazing wonderland. As a consequence, Mattel may also go under as Toys’R’Us is their MAIN client/customer. The list will get BIGGER – FASTER and ALL-Encompassing while we ALL sit back and say how ‘convenient’ shopping and earning money through Amazon & Co is …… #WakeUp people for goodness sake …. You Have An Amazing GIFT! …. It’s called ‘Common-Sense’ …. Please Use it or LOSE it 😦

‘The Human Survival Blueprint’ has more thoughts on the concept – Here! – (It’s Free!)
And Remember …. Social-Hypnosis is REAL!

Just a thought ….. Be sure to leave your Comment/Opinion below

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